The Workout Plan at a Glance
Here's a sample breakdown of recommended exercises.......
The exercises listed here can be safely performed by both men and women. Remember not to lift more weight than is comfortable, but always lift enough weight to make your muscles have to work hard. Perform 5 sets of 10 reps for each of the 2 exercises pictured. After several weeks, try alternating other exercises (right).
Also Recommended for Chest:
- Incline Bench Press
- Incline Flys
- Pec-Deck
- Cable-Crossovers

- Seated Barbell (Military) Press
- Bent-over side Raises
- Lying Rricep
- Close Grip Bench Press
- Standing Cable Pushdowns
- Dip Machine

- Assisted Pull-ups
- Wide Grip Pull-ups
- Dead lifts
- Shrugs

- Alternating Curls
- Concentration Curls
- Preacher Curls

- Leg Extensions
- Straight Leg Dead lifts
- Seated/Standing Calf Raise
- Squats
Also Recommended for ABS:
- Reverse Crunches
- Standing Oblique Curls
- Hanging Leg Lifts
- Swiss Ball Crunches

A World of Caution.............
If you are a relative newcomer to weight training or aren't 100% sure how to properly perform these exercises, visit your local gym and have a professional trainer show you the proper technique. This will help you avoid ineffective workouts, or worse.......injury.
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